Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Burp Cloth Tutorial

so i'm going to prove to everyone out there, including my husband, that my hours on pinterest have not been in vain. I'm going to start posting tutorials of projects that i've found on pinterest! 

so for my first tutorial (sounds like i'm a magician!!)i'm going to show you how to make these super cute burp cloths...

i found this tutorial here but i did make some modifications, specifically to the size of my fabrics.


pre-fold cloth diapers - I bought a pack of 5 gerber birdseye diapers, they are the gauzy ones but the cotton ones will also work

1/4 yard pre-washed fabric - really you could use a scrap piece it just needs to be 21 inches long and 6 inches wide at least if your cloth diapers are like mine. if they aren't just measure your cloth and add an inch to the length.

matching thread, iron, scissors, sewing machine etc....

so like i said for my burp cloths, i used a piece of fabric 21" long by 6" wide. 6" was the width of the middle part of my burp cloth and i like the little white edge that this cloth and the dino cloth have. but if you want the fabric to go all the way to the fold than just add an inch to the width.

cut the fabric 21" x 6" 

fold the long sides over a 1/2" and iron - sorry there is not a picture for this step, i didn't want you to see my laundry closet! that's right it's a closet, the joys of apartment living!

then center your fabric over the middle part of the cloth and pin just the long sides. 

i pinned using a 3/8" seam allowance, the tutorial i followed suggested 1/4" but the pins kept slipping. (i blame my pins, or maybe it's my fat fingers!!)

now this is the hard part....

sew in a straight line! 

once you've sewn both of the long sides, serge the short sides. since these cloths are already serged just serge right over. 

if you are like me and don't have a serger use a zig zag stitch. once you are done, trim the excess fabric off the ends.

tip: feed the cloth in cloth side up that way you can see where to sew.

trim any loose threads and you are done!

a beautiful fun diaper cloth! 

these make great, easy shower gifts, i made 5 total two dinos, two i love mommy, i love daddy, and one in the paisley! 

for those of you sitting here like "i didn't know sallie and kyle were pregnant!" 
we aren't!! 

kyle's sister, courtney, is and so i've been putting pinterest and my sewing machine to great use! we can't wait to meet that beautiful baby boy!!

**be on the look out for the matching paisley nursing cover!**

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yes, I'm blogging during the Super Bowl

So sue me! Look if the buccaneers aren't playing I'm not really watching!! 

Kyle and I had such a great weekend! We celebrated Kyle's brother-in-laws's birthday. I can't figure out what eric and I are?? Is he my brother-in-law-in-law? I think so (if not I don't care because it's kind of fun to say and type) eric watson is my brother-in-law-in-law and sadly he will never see this post most likely, cause we are barely friends on Facebook and he has yet to accept my twitter request to follow him. anyways we celebrated his birthday this weekend in montgomery,al! The guys played golf saturday ( I have a sneaking suspicion that kyle lost and that's why he's not talking about it??) and the girls, me and courtney, went to the flea market but not before I ventured over to strickland's cloth barn in the thriving metropolis of eclectic, al. never heard of it? well stinks for you friend. first of all eclectic is the cutest little town on the lake ***disclaimer from kyle: eclectic is not all on the lake and "they aren't cute, i hate eclectic they were jerks in football**** well according to kyle a lot of people were jerks in high-school football(i'm talking to you tommy trot!!) but i think eclectic is cute and that's all that matters because i'm the blogger. I have been told about strickland's multiple times from friends and family, not so much told as warned. warned about the piles of fabric and the amount of digging you have to do. um helloooooo do you know me I love digging for great deals!! so needless to say i've been dying to go! it was wonderful, scary, teetering piles of fabric!!! and I came away with some great deals! 

This great outdoor fabric was $1.98 a yard so I got two and I'm thinking nice pillows for our porch especially during football season, war eagle!

This fabric ended up being $2.98 a yard. I thought it was more expensive than that and only got a yard only to get in my car see my receipt and kick my self in the head for not getting more! But I think I'm going to make a cushion for my new chair using this fabric. "what new chair??" I'm so glad you asked........


I purchased this lovely CRAZY AMAZING bentwood chair at the east brook flea market in montgomery with my lovely CRAZY AMAZING sister-in-law courtney watson!! and it was the deal of the century, get ready to pick your jaws up off the floor because it was...........$12.50 I couldn't believe it, I carried it around the rest of the time at the market because I was so scared that someone else would snatch it up!! I was ecstatic because I really wanted a lightweight chair in the sewing/craft/guest room. I've been using one of my favorite chairs that I found on the side of the road years ago (yea i know it's like a disease) But as much as I love that chair it is far from portable and I've got a couple tables that I move between so it takes like 5 minutes to move the chair. It's more of sitting chair anyways so it will live out it's true purpose in the corner of the guest/sewing/craft room! 

yea and then that night we celebrated eric's birthday, I forgot I was supposed to talk about him, but that's what he gets for always forgetting to say hi to me! but seriously he's a great brother-in-law-in-law I'd like to think we keep each other sane, being married to stokes' kids can make you crazy!!!!!

I love getting to go back home to kyle's parent's house. they live out in the country and they've got cows (I mean I grew up, down the street from cows, that's right jones valley farms, represent) but these cows are across the street from kyle's childhood home and let me just tell you my dog wishes he was a cow. yesterday the cows were out close to the street and very chatty, bo being the precious four month old puppy that he is didn't understand that they weren't talking to him. he was barking up a storm and when we crossed the street he just kept barking until we got close enough for him to realize how much bigger they were compared to him. the life of a little dog, I think he may have a napoleon complex!! but it was so cute and sweet to watch, he just sat there watching the cows watch him, my heart melted! I wish I had a picture!!!(insert sad face here)

*dresser update: I'm almost finished so i'll be posting pictures super soon.
