Tuesday, May 3, 2011

151 days to go...

God is good!
In so many ways!

Kyle and I found an apartment at Century Arbor Place apartments, He is moving out of his place at the end of June and just has to secure our place this week!

I found an internship, so graduation here I come. I'm working for Pineapple House Interiors in Atlanta, Ga. Check them out! My friend Kate and I will be working together all summer long!
Danae, Kate, and I at the Peek party

We also found out that Cade Hornsby, may be attending our wedding, at least that is what his mommy Ally Hornsby is hoping! Her due date got pushed up to the week before our wedding!! But if he is anything like his sister he will be late! So cade please be here on time! Your mommy and daddy would thank you!

I'm excited that I'm almost done with school so I can really focus in on wedding planning.

A few months ago I ordered a custom wedding dress hanger from Lilafrances (Anna Hartshorn) on Etsy! I had totally forgotten about it until a few weeks ago when it showed up on my doorstep!!

My amazing hanger!
Isn't it great! It's all handmade that is why it took so long to get to me!! She is so talented!Its very delicate so she suggests that you only use it for pictures and not for storing a wedding dress. But still it is going to make one amazing wedding dress photo! Her story is pretty cool. 
Check her out  http://www.etsy.com/people/lilafrances?ref=ls_profile !!

Also the book that I made out blurb arrived!! yay for that. I compiled our engagement photos in a book. (have I already told ya'll about this?? I can't remember so if I did just keep scrolling down!) Its wonderful, I had to tweak a few pages and I'm planning on ordering them as gifts for two certain mothers! Blurb is great and everyone should use it! 
Preview the whole thing here! http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/2086762?ce=blurb_ew&utm_source=widget
The front cover!

I would now like to say a few words to my fiance. 
As a punishment for you spilling Coke on my portfolio over the weekend I have now registered us for pink plates! Seriously while you were still at work yesterday, I was at the mall updating our registry at Crate and Barrel! Here's what I picked out!
Oh in addition to the plates I also added pink champagne flutes to the list. Don't believe me?
Here they are... and now I know they don't look pink in the picture. But trust me they are the pinkest of pink! I love you! and now when you drink out of these or eat off of the plates you will always remember to put a 
lid on your byron's cup so you 
will never spill another drink on something important ever again! Yes that's right folks starting October 1st the stokes family will be a lid and straw family!! haha, never again will another important document be ruined due to an un-lidded cup! 

After finishing my senior thesis, I had a lack of things to do and started going stir crazy, so I decided to paint this huge canvas I've had for months. Thinking it would take me through finals or at least the weekend. After I got my new camera I was taking pictures at Kyle's parents house. I took one of his great grandmother's house that turned out really nice. I decided to paint it, again thinking that there was a good amount to the painting. I started late friday afternoon and was done early saturday morning! So now I'm back to going stir crazy, hence this super long post! Here's the painting, I think I'm going to hang it over Kyle and I's bed once I move into the apartment in October!

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